With Manifesto Poetico we start a new collaboration aimed to redirect their projects towards the circuits of performing arts production and exhibition, and design a new mobility plan.
Manifesto Poetico comes from the 20 years of research and productions of its founder and artistic director Carlos García Estévez (Spain). His projects have been hosted and performed around the world. Carlos has taught, performed and directed in over 20 countries, 40 American Universities, in L’École Jacques Lecoq and regularly in the Laboratory for the Study of Movement (L.E.M.) at L’École Jacques Lecoq where he is an associate artist. This experience and theatre research is supported by the Assistant Director, Paige Allerton (Canada), theatre maker and anthropologist who brings local investigatory processes, with collaborative, ground-up dramaturgy to the Laboratory.
To apply the research carried out in the creation and productions of new shows Manifesto Poetico has developed TransPoetico Projects. This projects are the collaborative productions with theatres, festivals and performing art centres around the world. Manifesto Poetico travels with the TransPoetico projects to make original shows through the creation of new theatrical languages made on the spot for and with local theatre groups. The last TransPoetico project took place in the Philharmonie of Haarlem in The Netherlands, with previous projects taking place in cities including New York, Bogota and Kuala Lumpur.
Manifesto Poetico also inexhaustibly makes their own theatre productions, workshops, research residencies and lecture-demonstrations all over the world. More information about Manifesto Poetico in its web site http://www.manifestopoetico.com.