Artistic multi-projects raise and differentiate a project’s value, especially in terms of international mobility.
An artistic project can be conceived for exhibition in different geographical locations. To go on tour and do gigs is one of the main objectives of artists and companies. These projects can travel through local, national or international circuits.
Proposals designed for touring aren’t the only ones with the potential to go mobile. Other artistic projects having to do with creation, education, research, exhibition, and so on can be realized beyond their habitual places, even thousands of miles away. Such projects can be made in collaboration with artistic or cultural operators, in artistic residencies, through an exchange or a co-production. The action radius of artistic mobility is very wide, oftentimes limited only by one’s own motivation.
The artistic multi-projects for mobility
For mobility, one should have a solid project capable of meeting expectations in order to access other circuits. The main barrier that any given project will face is competition with many other equally valid and interesting projects. An artistic project, from the moment one tries to take it on the road, will be met with many other projects, equally or better prepared, trying to occupy the same space and furthermore, will have even more accessible terms. In this case, it is convenient to operate in terms of artistic multi-projects.
Any artist, group or organisation in performing arts or music, will contain an array of diverse talents and abilities generally much wider than what meets the eye in the final work or piece. A musician can create a repertoire with the intention of touring, and in addition, can complement that repertoire with a series of significant cultural and social offerings. The repertoire might come from a social or scientific research process, it might stem from an educational project, or it could be a tool or methodology applicable to other situations. For example, it’s common for children’s shows to have an educational dossier in which the values transmitted during the performance are source of inspiration for workshops, talks, and so on. A festival, exhibition space or studio centre can host productions, social projects, classes and much more. Ultimately, any artistic project can widen the value of its international proposal by including other elements that complement and enrich it, constituting what we call the artistic multi-projects for international strategy and mobility.
Artistic multi-projects and differentiated advantages
The artistic multi-projects boosts the differentiated facets of a proposal, adding value, allowing them to enter in new circuits with more elements to make its uniqueness visible. Compared to other proposals—which, due to distance or cultural affinity are better positioned to occupy a space in the desired circuit—the multi-project has the advantage of uniting different elements that reinforce its value as something that can help a given cultural or artistic centre meet its programming and activity needs.
The key of the multi-projects is in its design. First of all, a deep analysis of the talents, capacities and training of the artist(s) is necessary, taking into account every last skill. It is about adapting those abilities that are most relevant to the project and giving them shape as an activity. This process should be done in a creative way, although the results can be normal things like workshops, courses, talks, creation processes, residencies, new working methodologies, research processes, and so on. Not every project, music show or performance has to be multi-project—there are plenty with the ability to tour all on their own. But it is always a good idea to analyse and leverage all of one’s potential as an artistic creator.
Txarango and TeatroLab Madrid, two good multi-project examples
A good example of an artistic multi-project in the field of popular music is the band Txarango. This group know how to blend their artistic and socially diverse concept with a diverse offering of different types of repertoires, collaborations, social projects and even an entire festival. There is no doubt that the depth and diversity of their artistic message allow them to develop a range of international activities with different directions and objectives.
Another illustrative example is the multi-project TeatroLab Madrid. This theatre group has managed to design a diverse offering based on the Suzuki and Viewpoints acting methods. The offering combines touring shows, audience development workshops, professional workshops and residency exchange programs. This video shows their artistic concept and their multi-project offerings for mobility.
Thank you to Alonso Lobato for the translation