Mentoring and Training Mobility Performing Arts

Maquinant Teatre. Salüq Project
The Spanish company <a href:"http:\\" target="_blank">Maquinant Teatre</a> working in their show Salüq

We offer mentoring, training and resources for the mobility and internationalisation of performing arts.

One of the challenges for the development of companies and organizations working in the performing arts (theatre, dance, music, etc.) is to widen their range of activity and explore new circuits or markets. In some cases it is a question of selling the productions to other countries or regions. In others, to carry out new projects in collaboration and to look for new partners, ideas or resources. Whatever the reason, the quickest and most effective way to overcome barriers that hinder this is to rely on external professionals with experience and methodology of the work. This will be achieved through a tailored training in mobility and, more specifically, through mentoring on mobility and internationalization.


To these organizations we offer the experience, the knowledge and the methodology to approach new circuits. Our mentoring program (see mentoring program) will allow artistic organisations to work for a period of about half a year on its own mobility and internationalization project, following our methodology "Routes of Mobility and Internationalization" (see what the methodology is). We can also respond to specific inquiries or reduced mentoring periods and thus address specific aspects of the mobility project.


For professional associations, public institutions, festivals, theatres, auditoriums, centres of support of the arts and universities, we offer the possibility to open up ways to specific training in artistic mobility and internationalization (see training programs). In this way you can cooperate with artists and companies and support the development of the local cultural and artistic fabric.


Our service include a complete database of resources to support the mobility processes. In it you can find directories of information and support centres for mobility, markets, networks and meeting points, bibliography and funding opportunities (access to the database of resources).


We are available to answer any questions you may have. Please use the contact form for any inquiry.